This is a very rough beta of a puzzle platformer I'm working on, hope you like it

Controls- A D for movement, space to jump and advance through dialog, and left shift to change object's velocity

Switching velocity- When you press left shift the game pauses and you're able to select objects by clicking on them. The first object you select is the object you're taking velocity from (indicated by the arrow turning orange) Then you select the object you want to give the velocity to

Published 7 days ago
StatusIn development
Made withUnity
Tags2D, Pixel Art, Puzzle-Platformer

Development log


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This game is great - I really enjoyed the playthough.  Having an option to make it shift OR mouse click to cause the control shift could be night.  Also, would like music. :-)

(1 edit)

I'm so glad you liked it! Having different control options is a great idea and something I'll definitely consider, thank you for the feedback!
And don't worry, music and sound effects will be in the full game (: